1:30 pm LRN Newscast

It’s Cyber Monday which is a chance for consumers to find great deals on the internet.

Southeast Louisiana Better Business Bureau spokesperson Cynthia Albert says if you are in a generous mood and plan on donating money, you can check if the charity is legit at give-dot-org.

Senator John Kennedy is expected to announce this week on whether he’ll run for Governor in 2019 against John Bel Edwards.

With less than two years in DC in one of the most prestigious positions in all of politics, and a growing DC fan base, many wonder why he would want to come home.

Kennedy has long made it clear he’s had ambitions for the position by running for Governor before and could do so again.

Recently, a C-B-S network news crew filmed Senator Kennedy substitute teaching at McKinnley High School which is something he’s done for a few years now.

The national media television story fueled speculation that Senator Kennedy could be ramping up his efforts to possibly seek the Louisiana Governorship.

Small Business Saturday was first recognized in 2010 and has seen a growth in awareness over the years as an estimated 104 million consumers participated in the day this year.

National Federation of Independent Business Louisiana spokesperson Dawn Starns says it’s a positive reflection of the economic outlook.

More than two-thirds of small business owners expect sales to be stronger than 2017.

A crash involving a suspected impaired driver during the Thanksgiving Holiday has left a teenage pedestrian dead in Calcasieu Parish.

The crash took the life of 13 year old Kyrin Pete of Lake Charles during the early morning hours of Thanksgiving Day.

Toxicology samples were taken and the crash remains under investigation.