2014 was definitely an interesting year in Louisiana politics. Political analyst Clancy Dubos says it’s his feeling that Edwin Edwards political career was over when he went to federal prison. He says the fact that the former Governor made the runoff had nothing to do with his popularity, but that there was no other significant Democratic candidate in the 6th District race…
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Other notable points are the Republican party finishing its return to dominance, Mary Landrieu losing her US-Senate seat, and 5th District Kissing Congressman Vance McAllister.
Many Louisianians who are serving our country won’t be home with their families this Christmas. U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Adam Nguyen is stationed at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska…
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Hunting is a big Christmas Day activity across Louisiana and now there’s a mobile app for hunters. HuntSoft, the App for Hunters, is now available for free in the Apple App Store. Developer Randal Nachman says this app allows hunters to quickly enter in-the-field data the moment it happens…
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Nachman says you can even track and enter your information on the app without an internet connection.
State Police are urging motorists to be extra careful on the road this Christmas Day. Sgt. Nick Manale says, unfortunately, they see an increase in serious injury and fatality crashes around the holiday season. He says troopers do what they can to help drivers be safe, but motorists need to do their part, as well. He says it’s important to make smart decisions behind the wheel…
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Manale says troopers will be out patrolling Louisiana highways and interstates today.