AM Newscall 07/04

Animal experts will tell you the 4th of July is a high anxiety day for your pets because of fireworks. Connor Ferrill has tips on how to make sure your dog or cat doesn’t try to run away.

Cut 1 (31)  I’m Connor Ferrill“


US Senator John Kennedy says people need to be fired in the wake of a Legislative Auditor’s report on the Louisiana Department of Health’s failure to collect information from companies that work with Medicaid. Jeff Palermo has more.

Cut 2 (33) ”I’m Jeff Palermo” 


Studies have shown Louisiana saw an increase in drug overdose deaths elevate by 14.7% from 2015 to 2016.  The Opioid Crisis Solutions Summit recently formulated several recommendations for curbing the impact of the epidemic.  Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 3 (30) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”


July 5 is one of the busiest days for animal shelters as unrestrained dogs flee their homes from fear of fireworks the night before. Louisiana SPCA spokesperson Alicia Haefele says the fireworks might be fun for us, but can bring man’s best friend unwanted anxiety…

Cut 4  (12) “…identification tags”

Haefele says to help keep your dog keep your dog calmer during Fourth of July night, make sure they get some exercise…

Cut 5  (10)  “…built up energy”

While cats may be the more stoic species, Haefele says they are at risk too…

Cut 6 (09) “…starts their car”


US Senator John Kennedy says the Legislative Auditor’s report detailing the Department of Health’s failure to collect important payment information from companies it works with in Medicaid is an example of the state’s poor spending habits. Kennedy says the leadership at the Department of Health is failing the tax payers.

Cut 7 (07)  “taxpayer”

The report says LDH is not pushing Managed Care Organizations to provide data that details what expenses the Medicaid program is being charged for, data which is also used to determine how much the companies are paid by the state.

But LDH is pushing back against concerns that they have been potentially overpaying companies that with the Medicaid program, or paying for fraudulent services due to not collecting this information. Undersecretary Jeff Reynolds says the department needs to do a better job collecting the information, but that the report does not say that failure has led to increased costs.

Cut 8 (10)  “this report”

Ross says he thanks the Legislative Auditor for bringing the issue to the department’s attention, and that they plan on quickly implementing practices that will insure the data is collected properly.

Cut 9 (09)  “start collecting”

But Kennedy says a message needs to be sent that this kind of negligence will not go unpunished.

Cut 10 (05)   “firing folks.”


State Police says they’ll be out in force today to make sure drivers who shouldn’t be behind the wheel are taken off the road. Louisiana State Police Spokesperson Sergeant Jared Sandifer says unfortunately the 4th is one of the worst days for traffic fatalities all year.

Cut 11 (10) “out there.”

By now everyone should know not to drink and drive, but Sandifer says that extends to toking up or popping pills at your 4th of July party before hopping behind the wheel.

Cut 12 (09) “your system.”

Chances are you’re going to stuff one to many hotdogs down your throat and be couch locked for a while, and Sandifer says if you’re feeling dozy after all that 4th of July feasting, get a nap at before you hit the road, so you don’t get a nap while you’re on the road.

Cut 13 (10)  “a crash” 


Studies have shown Louisiana saw an increase in drug overdose deaths elevate by 14.7% from 2015 to 2016.  The Opioid Crisis Solutions Summit recently formulated several recommendations for curbing the impact of the epidemic.  President of the Healthcare Leadership Council, Mary Grealy, says legislators are on board to put funding toward research and treatment.

Cut 14 (10) “find alternatives”

Grealy believes that getting opioid users away from the drug and utilizing other treatment methods will have a positive financial impact on the cost of the state’s healthcare system.

Cut 15 (04) “those paitients”u

Grealy also says one of the main focal points is making sure those handling opioids are equipped with the proper knowledge of the drug’s effects and alternatives.

Cut 16 (06) “.family members.”
