9:30 LRN Newscast June 22nd

Lawmakers in the House remain deadlocked over how much to renew an expiring one-cent sales tax that could generate hundreds of million dollars and prevent deep cuts to higher education, TOPS and other state agencies. Last night the House concluded its official business around 8:30 after a long day of behind the scenes negotiations. Baton Rouge Representative Denise Marcelle expressed her frustration….
cut 17 (04) “…of time”
LAPolitics.com publisher Jeremy Alford says the governor and Democrats want a half-a-penny renewed of an expiring one-cent sales tax, while Republicans prefer four-tenths…
cut 13 (07) “…foreseeable futrure”
The House is set to come back in this morning, but it’s unclear if any sales tax renewal bill can get the 70 votes needed for the measure to advance to the Senate.

The statewide average for regular gasoline is hovering around $2.60 a gallon, but we could see an increase of five to ten cents in the near future. Kevin Barnhart explains why…
Cut 3 (27) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”

The U-S House has passed a Farm Bill that contains stricter requirements for food stamps. Republican Ralph Abraham says able bodied adults would have to either work or participate in a job training program for 20 hours per week to remain eligible for food stamps…
cut 8(12) “….this training”
The Senate still has to sign off on this controversial change.