7:30 A.M. Newscast 05/01/2018


GOP House Caucus Chairman Lance Harris says it’s likely we’ll see a special session kick off May 18th. Matt Doyle has more.

Cut 2 (30) I’m Matt Doyle”


University Hospital and Clinics in Lafayette has notified 770 employees that they could be laid off, and the facility shut down under proposed spending plans that slashes state funding for public-private partnership hospitals. Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne says they are not the only jobs at risk.

Cut 4  (09) “smaller locations” 

Over 900 farmers and ranchers are receiving grants averaging 9900 dollars for disaster recovery efforts resulting from the 2016 floods. Ag Commissioner Mike Strain says it’s long overdue.

Strain says the grants will fill a reimbursement gap for farmers who’ve suffered damages that were uninsured.


Two current and two former Troopers have been arrested on various charges as part of a six month investigation into payroll fraud. The four men allegedly claimed bogus hours and wrote fraudulent tickets as part of a highway safety program funded by district attorneys.

State Police launched an internal investigation into the actions of these troopers after a New Orleans T-V station showed surveillance video that showed two Troopers filed for overtime pay for hours they didn’t work. State Police Colonel Kevin Reeves says changes have been made to this ticket-writing program

Cut 11 (09) “working”