4:30 pm LRN Newscast

This week marks the halfway point of the regular legislative session and it’s unclear whether the Senate will take up the House approved budget that is disliked by the Edwards adminstration because of its deep cuts to health care services. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says it remains to be seen how the legislature will pass a budget…
cut 8 (08) “…or tried”
The governor is calling for a special session and to pass tax bills to close a 648-million dollar deficit.

The House approved Max Gruver Act moved a step closer to becoming law today when it passed out of a Senate panel. The proposal strengthens the criminal penalties for hazing. It’s named after the LSU student, who died last fall in a suspected hazing incident involving large amounts of alcohol. East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore testifed in support….
cut 4 (06) “…it’s fair”
Currently, hazing is just a misdemeanor crime.

A Senate-approved resolution to create a panel to find a solution to Baton Rouge’s horrible traffic problems flew through a House committee today. The Capital City is plagued with rush hour gridlock, and Baton Rouge Representative Steve Carter says the sponsor of the measure was inspired to bring forth the legislation after one too many bumper to bumper trips through BR.
Cut 12 (08) “this resolution”

Festival International begins tomorrow in Lafayette. New to the five-day musical festival is electronic bracelets to purchase drinks and merchandise. Marketing Director Carly Viator says you can link your bank card to the wristband…
cut 10 (08) “….really smooth”
Festival International is expected to attract 300-thousand visitors.