On an eight to six vote, The House Agriculture Committee approved a bill by Carencro Representative Julie Emerson repealing the requirement for a Louisiana florist to be licensed. Louisiana is the only state that requires florists to take a written exam and be approved. She says florists will still need a permit, but her bill eliminates a 40 question written test…
Committee Chairman Clay Schexnayder (shecks-ni-der) of Gonzales is afraid if the requirement to license florists is done away with, it will be bad news for consumers…
The bill now moves to the House floor.
A bill to create statewide regulations over Uber drivers has been introduced. Uber spokesperson Nick Juliano says we have been lagging behind other states when it comes to regulations. Currently individual parishes and cities control the Uber and Lyft rules. This bill would put control of the ride share companies under the blanket of the state.
Governor John Bel Edwards is seeking legislative approval for his plan on how to spend 123 million dollars in surplus funds from the last fiscal year. Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne says the funds can’t be dumped straight into the impending one billion dollar budget deficit, because one time money is not a long term fix.
Edwards is recommending to use 40-million-dollars in surplus money on 23 transportation project around the state.