14:30 LRN Newscast March 2

Authorities are on the lookout for a man involved in the murder of a 29-year-old man from New Iberia. Iberia Sheriff Louis Ackal says Courtland Hall was shot and killed by 26-year-old Akeam Daniels. Daniels remains on the run.  He is a black male, five-foot-ten, 155-pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. An earlier AMBER Alert was canceled after two-month-old Amari Daniels was found late last night abandoned in the car the father was last seen driving. Sheriff Ackal…

Cut 7 (07)  “the child.”

At this hour the Louisiana House is debating tax bills that would help bridge a one-billion-dollar budget gap. House Speaker Taylor Barras promised yesterday that the entire schedule of items will be considered this afternoon, including numerous amendments. A sales tax bill that would generate 300-million dollars annually was soundly defeated on Wednesday.

A report says 75 percent of Louisiana’s young people are un-fit to serve in the military. Jim Shannon has the reaction from a retired Louisiana Marine General.

Cut 1 (30) “I’m Jim Shannon”

February’s rainfall in North Louisiana set a record going back to the 1870’s. Shreveport National Weather Service forecaster Matthew Duplantis says it’s no wonder the lakes, rivers and creeks are at or above flood stage…

Cut 11 (10) “zero inches.”