LRN 10:20 A.M. Newscast 03/01/2018

A Mason-Dixon Poll finds voters are satisfied with the job Governor Edwards is doing, but it doesn’t mean he will be re-elected in 2019. Jeff Palermo has more…

Cut 1 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

The special session called to address a looming one-billion budget shortfall is on the verge of getting nothing accomplished. The House overwhelming rejected a sales tax bill that would have generated an additional 300-million in revenues.

Representative James Armes says he has an idea.

Cut 12 (13) “large sales tax rates.”

State Senator Troy Carter has filed a bill for the regular session that raises the age to purchase an assault rifle from 18 to 21. Carter says this is in response to the Florida school shooting which killed 17. The New Orleans Democrat says he believes in the Second Amendment rights, but…

Cut 14 (11) “that matter.”

LSU’s new hazing policy calls for expulsions from campus for those who haze another student. Division of Student Affairs Kurt Keppler says System President F King Alexander did not want to leave a gray area where hazing is concerned and students found guilty of doing so will be banned from campus…

Cut 7 (05)  “a thing.”