LRN 6:30 A.M. Newscast 02/26/2018

You may have seen some savings from the federal tax bill in your paycheck, but it will be summertime before you see it on your utility bill. Jeff Palermo has the story.

Cut 2 (28) “I’m Jeff Palermo.”

The house of representatives was burning the late night oil at the capitol last night. The house ways and means committee agreed to send vital legislation forward in an effort to plug a billion dollar plus budget hole. The vote last night is the first significant movement on tax raising issues the special session was called for. The measures now move to the full house for their consideration.


h all the rain over the weekend a piece of legislation that would address flooded areas is surfacing. Baton Rogue Senator Dan Claitor is looking to slow down drivers who blow through flood water creating damaging wakes or waves.

The bill would add a new specifications to existing law that would fine drivers up to 500 dollars, with potential for 90 days in jail. Claitor says the legislation was inspired by flood horror stories from his constituents.

Cut 4  (12) “those folks” 

Two tax bills that will help the state overcome a looming one billion dollar budget deficit are heading to the House floor. Some Republicans were seeking to make permanent a quarter of a temporary one-cent sales tax. But Shreveport Representative Alan Seabaugh didn’t like the permanent part, so he changed the legislation so a quarter of the temporary one-cent sales tax stays until mid-2021

Cut 14 (08) “businesses pocket”