11:30AM LRN Newscast February 17

Louisiana Radio Network, Im Matt Doyle

Shreveport Police had to catch a man twice who may be connected in robbing elderly women with a bat.  Jim Shannon has more…

Cut 1 (30) “I’m Jim Shannon.”

School safety is a big talking point these days, and Louisiana Association of Educators President Deborah Meaux says schools need to be investing more in social work programs to help troubled students.

Cut 7 (11)  “administrative assistants.”


Ruston Police are investigating a school bus accident involving a pedestrian, who was killed while sitting in the middle of a street. Chief Deputy Clint Williams says the Lincoln Parish school bus driver didn’t see the pedestrian, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Williams hopes someone knows why he was there…

Cut 5  (05)  “a call.”

Toxicological samples have been collected. No charges have been filed as of yet.

Louisiana is taking more taxes out of workers’ paychecks. The state constitution allows for it, if the federal government lowers their tax brackets, which they did last month.  Baton Rouge area CPA Brandon LaGarde says it won’t be that drastic of a change…

Cut 11 (07) “a paycheck.”

LaGarde says the federal tax break outweighs the state’s updated tax withholding tables, meaning you still take home more than you did last year.

Louisiana Radio Network