09:30 Newscast November 21, 2014

There’s a new Rasmussen poll out on Louisiana’s US-Senate runoff and it shows incumbent Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu with 41% of the vote and Congressman Bill Cassidy with 56%. Michelle Southern reports…

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Shreveport Police are investigating the shooting death of a man who pulled a gun on two Centenary College police officers. Authorities say the man struggled with the officers while being escorted off campus and then pulled out a gun. He was then shot by one of the officers. The suspect was taken to a local hospital where he died of his injuries.

Mid-year budget cuts will be announced today by the Jindal administration as Louisiana is facing a $171 million dollar revenue shortfall. Senate Finance chairman Jack Donahue says dollars seem to go as soon as they come in and Louisiana can’t get seem to get ahead…

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He says we’re dealing with a major revenue shortage and feels the the state gives away too much money in tax credits.

The early voting period for the December 6th runoff elections begins tomorrow. Secretary of State Tom Schedler says, even though control of the Senate has already been decided, it is still important hit your polling place, even if the US Senate race is the only item on your ballot…

cut 6 (05) “in November”

Early voting will run tomorrow through November 29th excluding Sunday, Thanksgiving, and the day after Thanksgiving.