5:30PM Newscast February 2

Louisiana Radio Network News, I’m Matt Doyle

Many folks think that Mardi Gras is a celebration that only takes place in Southeast Louisiana, but festivities surrounding Carnival are happening across the state. The Acadiana region celebrates with events that draw over 200,000 people every season. That’s according to Executive Director of the Lafayette Convention and Visitors Commission, Ben Berthelot. He says there’s a lot to see down there…:

Cut 5  (08)  “twenty or thirty minutes”

Monroe-based CenturyLink is opening a new outbound sales center bringing 150 jobs to the area. A job fair will be held later this month in Monroe to help fill the new jobs. CenturyLink spokesperson Anne Marie Sartor Sartor says there will be a couple of ways people can apply for the jobs…

Cut 8 (11) “Garden Inn.”



An Offers.com survey says Louisianans are the top spenders this year for Super Bowl parties. Even though the Black and Gold missed the Super Bowl by a hair, big game parties will still be raging across the state, and Forget gumbo, jambalaya or crawfish, Yarborough says Louisiana has a fairly standard go to for Super Bowl snacks.

Cut 11 (09) “this Sunday”

Respected forecasters Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog and Louisiana’s own Pierre C. Shadeaux the nutria are at odds in their predictions this year.  Phil predicted another six weeks of winter, while Shadeaux says spring is coming soon.  LSU Climatologist Barry Keim says Shadeaux’s prediction may be closer on the mark…

Cut 13 (10) “telling us.”

Keim says while the longterm weather might be unpredictable, he’s comfortable saying it’s going to rain this weekend.

Louisiana Radio Network