430PM Newcast February 2

Louisiana Radio Network, I’m Matt Doyle

Monroe-based CenturyLink is opening a new outbound sales center bringing 150 jobs to the area.  Kelley Ray has more…

Cut 2 (29) “I’m Kelley Ray.”

Peninsula Pacific is evaluating the prospect of moving it’s Diamond Jack Casino in Bossier City to Tangipahoa Parish. The company is looking at moving the casino to the Tangipahoa River at the Robert exit. The move would require a difficult series of local and state requirements to be met and approved before the project could be initiated, but Tangipahoa Parish President Robby Miller says it’s a great opportunity for the parish. The project could cost north of 100 million dollars.

Forecaster Punxsutawney Phil and Louisiana’s own nutria forecaster Pierre C. Shadeaux are at odds in their predictions this year.  Phil saw his shadow and predicted another six weeks of winter, while Shadeaux didn’t see his in New Iberia today and says we will see a longer spring, delaying summertime heat longer.

While the spring forecast might be up in the air, LSU Climatologist Barry Keim says one things for sure, it’s going to rain this weekend for carnival.

Cut 15 (12) “out there.”

An Offers.com survey says Louisianans are the top spenders this year for Super Bowl parties. Even though the Black and Gold missed the Super Bowl by a hair, big game parties will still be raging across the state. Offers.com spokesperson Carson Yarborough says Louisiana spends nearly 40 percent more per party than the average state.

Cut 10 (11) “national average”

The Super Bowl kicks off at 5:30PM Sunday.

Louisiana Radio Network