14:30 LRN Newscast February 2

Festivities surrounding Mardi Gras are happening across the state starting this weekend. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 1 (32) “I’m Michelle Southern”

The Krewe of Muses is asking that Forever Lee Circle beads or any other Confederate-themed parade throws not be thrown this year.  The Advocate is reporting it’s a safety issue.  The krewe is concerned people will throw those beads back at them or the person throwing them could be harmed by angry paradegoers.

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted another six weeks of winter while Louisiana’s own forecaster Pierre C. Shadeaux didn’t see his in New Iberia today and says we will see a longer spring.  LSU Climatologist Barry Keim says it’s understandable everyone wants to see spring come sooner since January was a very harsh month in Louisiana…

Cut 14 (08) “of salt.”

An Offers.com survey says Louisianans are the top spenders this year for Super Bowl parties.  Forget gumbo, jambalaya or crawfish.  Spokesperson Carson Yarborough says Louisiana has a fairly standard go to for Super Bowl snacks.

Cut 11 (09) “this Sunday”

And we like to spend money for Super Bowl parties, nearly 40 percent more than other states.