06:30 Newscast November 21, 2014

The Jindal Administration will be announcing mid-year budget cuts today, as the state faces a $171 million dollar revenue shortfall. Jindal’s chief administrator has indicated that higher education will avoid any substantial cuts, but Senate Finance chairman Jack Donahue doesn’t see that being possible…

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There are many dedicated budget items that can’t be cut so typically higher education and heath care are hit hardest.

A new Rasmussen poll out on the US-Senate runoff shows incumbent Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu with 41% of the vote and Congressman Bill Cassidy with 56%. UL-Lafayette Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says there are several factors working against Landrieu’s chances at re-election…

cut 10 (12) “Republican Party”

President Barack Obama announced his plans for immigration reform last night, but many people say more needs to be done. Local business consultant Randy Hayden says next year’s new Congress should look at making more working visas available, which could help with the state’s worker shortage

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Hayden says with the state on the cusp of an economic boom, experts predict we’ll have trouble finding enough workers in the areas of science, technology and engineering and math.

The early voting period for the December 6th runoff elections begins tomorrow. Early voting will run through next Saturday November 29th with the exception of Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, and the day after Thanksgiving.