11:30 LRN Newscast February 2

Governor John Bel Edwards has raised five million dollars and has a 56 percent approval rating at the moment, Matt Doyle talked to a political analyst about what that means for his reelection chances.

Cut 2 (30) “I’m Matt Doyle.”

Pierre C. Shadeaux, the Cajun groundhog, did not see his shadow this morning, meaning a longer spring and a slow return of summer heat.  The New Iberia rodent  predicts differently that Punxsutawney Phil.  Shadeaux looks for a longer spring or an earlier summer.

Monroe based CenturyLink is opening a new outbound sales center bringing 150 jobs to the area.  The center will be located on Forsythe Avenue.  CenturyLink spokesperson Anne Marie Sartor says the center will focus on small businesses throughout the country in helping them with their needs…

Cut 7 (09)  “them grow.”

The job fair will be held in West Monroe at the Hilton Garden Inn Monday February 12th from 7am to 7pm.

The iconic Voice of the Saints Jim Henderson is retiring after a storied 31-year career calling the most triumphant and heartbreaking moments in Black and Gold history.  Henderson fondly remembers his first time in the Saints broadcast booth.

Cut 15 (12) “we go”