15:30 LRN Newscast September 1

The Department of Children and Family Services says they’ve decided to open a second mega-shelter in the state for flood victims in Texas. Michelle Southern reports…:
voicer 2 (32) “I’m Michelle Southern”

The White House says President Donald Trump will visit Houston, before making a trip to Lake Charles tomorrow. Details of the trip have yet to be finalized. The President has said he’s pledging one-million dollars of his own money on Harvey relief efforts.

Irma will remain a powerful hurricane over the Labor Day weekend, but it’s no threat to the U-S at the moment, because it’s way out in the Atlantic. Most of the models show Irma steering clear of the Gulf of Mexico, but Eric Blake with the National Hurricane Center says we shouldn’t let our guard down…
Cut 7 (08) “prediction”

And law enforcement will be on the lookout for drunk drivers this Labor Day holiday as it’s a Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over weekend. Dr. Katara Williams, executive director of the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, says there are too many other options for anyone to drive drunk….
cut 15 (08) “…smart options”
In Louisiana, about 47-percent of vehicle fatalities involve drunk driving.