08:30 Newscast, July 27th, 2017

The Office of Public Health says they’ve received 7 reports of West Nile in Louisiana. OPH Assistant Secretary Dr. Parham Jaberi says 90-percent of the cases are asymptomatic, but a very small percentage of individuals who contract the virus will develop the neuroinvasive type:
Cut 9 (10) “status”
He encourages residents to take the necessary steps to prevent being bitten by a mosquito.

US Senator John Kennedy would like to see the nation’s healthcare law include a provision that some abled bodied adults without children have to work in order to receive Medicaid. He believes it would encourage people to transition off welfare programs…:
Cut 6 (10) “get a job”
His proposed amendment does exempt people under age 19, those in addiction treatment, and young adults in school or work training.

The Public Service Commission votes to approve Entergy’s plan to install new meters at every Louisiana customer’s residence….:
Cut 3 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

State Superintendent of Education John White will hold a news conference this morning to announce the 2017 Advanced Placement results. The AP program lets high school students take college courses, and those who score high enough can receive credit at many institutions.

Monroe Mayor Jamie Mayo has named Major Eugene Ellis to the position of interim police chief. He takes over for outgoing Monroe Police Chief Dr. Quentin Holmes, who recently announced his retirement, effective Monday.