11:30 LRN Newscast May 26th

An insurance fraud investigation in the Acadiana area has led to over a dozen arrests. State Police Trooper Brooks David says last July they received complaints about 16 individuals who were filing false insurance claims…
cut 6 (08) “…of claims”
David says all 16 individuals were involved in a number of ficticious crashes.

Louisiana consumers will not have to pay the full five-percent state sales tax on Saturday and Sunday for purchasing emergency prepardeness supplies. Department of Revenue spokesperson Byron Henderson says the sales tax discount helps familes prepare for the hurricane season…
cut 4 (11) “…a storm”
To find out more go to the Department of Revenue’s website.

Louisiana Economic Development, along with several partners, has created a business startup program for military veterans. LED Secretary Don Pierson says the idea for the Louisiana Veteran Entrepreneurship Program came after hearing LSU helped disabled veterans in a similar way…
cut 11 (11) “…small businesses”
Pierson says those who participate in the program will take classes at LSU and they hope to enroll about 100 veterans in the first year.

State Police is asking motorists to buckle up, lay off the gas pedal and do not drink and drive this holiday weekend. Trooper Dustin Dwight…
cut 9 (08) “….preventable car crashes”
Dwight reminds residents that everyone inside a vehicle needs to be buckled up.