Not much progress has been made solving the state’s budget woes as there are only two weeks left in the legislative session. Emelie Gunn has more:
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Emelie Gunn”
The family of Alton Sterling is demanding the immediate termination of the cops involved in the man’s death. Lawyers sent a letter Wednesday to Baton Rouge Mayor Sharon Weston Broome and Police Chief Carl Dabadie contending the officers violated the department’s policy regarding de-escalation. Broome responded to the letter saying she believes the cops should be “removed from paid administrative leave and disciplined consistent with the severity of their actions.”
The crazed ex-boyfriend of a woman the South Louisiana man allegedly stalked by living in her attic for a period of time has been arrested. That’s according Brennan Matherne with the LaFourche Parish Sheriff’s Office. He says after beating up his ex, 21-year-old Taylor Broussard fled in her vehicle and hadn’t been located since the May 3rd incident:
Cut 13 (09) “May 24”
Broussard is facing several felony charges including stalking, domestic abuse battery, vehicle theft, and home invasion.
More people may have been affected by the Great Flood of 2016 than we thought, according to a recent LSU survey. Dr. Michael Henderson with the LSU Public Policy Research Lab says 18 percent of residents took on water during the March and August floods, and 30 percent of workers were also impacted…:
Cut 10 (08) “one in three”