13:30 Newscast, April 26th, 2017

A bill that would ban the policies of sanctuary cities barely passed out of the House Criminal Justice Committee. Denham Springs Representative Valarie Hodges says her measure isn’t about discrimination, but putting America first. She noted she raised her children in Mexico for 18 years…:
Cut 13 (11) “of law”
But those in opposition say deporting people is highly disruptive to families, businesses and communities.

The House Education Committee advances a measure that would ban corporal punishment of any kind in public schools. House Bill 497 is by Shreveport Representative Barbara Norton who says there is no proof that spanking a student has actually worked at changing behavior…:
CUT 11 (10) “in 2011″
Both bills head to the House floor.

The House Health and Welfare Committee advances a bill that would limit first-time opioid prescriptions in Louisiana, in the hopes of addressing a growing epidemic. Former Assistant Secretary of Health, Dr. Karen DeSalvo says the measure also allows patients to request pharmacists not fill the entire quantity of opioid prescription if they don’t need it…:
Cut 10 (09) “using opioids”
The measure now heads to the House floor for more discussion.

More than a dozen UL-Lafayette football players have been suspended indefinitely from the team after allegedly robbing a dorm room on campus. Lt. Billy Abrams with the UL-Lafayette Police Department says 13 football players stole several items from a room in Huger Hall…:
Cut 3 (10) “students were”
He says all of the students are charged with conspiracy to commit felony theft.