12:30 Newscast, April 18th, 2017

A lawmaker from Columbia doesn’t think flood victims should have to pay state income taxes on what they earn in 2017. Senator Neil Riser says it’s the least the state could do to help survivors of the disaster rebuild their lives…:
Cut 9 (08) “been affected”
Under a bill he filed for the current session, those who sustained $10,000 of damage would be exempt from income taxes this year up to $100,000 for families and $50,000 if filing single.

If you’re critical of how people dance, you might want to avoid Cole Rodriguez. He’s a 34-year-old man from Raceland who cops say attacked his girlfriend when she made fun of his moves. David Melancon, with the Thibodaux Police Department, says while police were transporting Rodriguez to jail on charges of domestic abuse battery, he still wan’t happy…:
Cut 6 (06) “police officers”
He was booked on a $7,500 bond.

LSU’s Sensory Services Lab is seeking food lovers to volunteer as Tiger Tasters on the Baton Rouge campus. Halen Doughty has more…:
Cut 3 (30) “I’m Halen Doughty”