06:30 LRN Newscast March 30th

A national report finds Louisiana’s poor and congested roads are costing drivers thousands of dollars a year. State Transportation Secretary Shawn Wilson says we can do better, but it will cost money…
cut 14 (08) “….in the process”
The DOTD is pushing a higher gasoline tax.

The ACLU has filed a lawsuit against Lafayette Consolidated Government after one of their police officers allegedly confiscted a woman’s phone and deleting a picture. Louisiana ACLU executive director Marjorie Esman says the lawsuit seeks an injunction prohibiting Lafayette P-D from interferring with the rights of individuals to photograph police activities in public…..
cut 13 (07) “…that right”
Lafayette PD has no comment on the suit.

Louisiana business groups are raising concerns over Governor Edwards tax plan that would shift the tax burden from most Louisiana residents to your bigger and more profitbable businesses. Louisiana Association of Business and Industry President Stephen Waguespack says many corporate tax incentives have already been reduced, making it more expensive to do business. He says companies are struggling to keep up with that cost, and it’s causing job loss…
cut 10 (10) “…will do”
Edwards points out that in 2015, 129-thousand of 149-thousand corporate tax filers in Louisiana paid no taxes to the state.