11:30 Newscast, March 3rd, 2017

A former-Neville high school choir teacher is facing additional counts amid allegations he was involved in inappropriate relationships with students. 25-year-old Christian Amos was arrested for allegedly giving pot to students and possibly enticing them to have sex with him. BESE Representative Gary Jones says if convicted, Amos will likely never teach again…:
Cut 3 (09) “suspended”
At least five victims have come forward with claims that Amos provided them with weed at his apartment and requested sexual acts.

A rally to show support for President Donald Trump will take place tomorrow at the State Capitol. Leader of Gator PAC Col. Rob Maness encourages attendees to wear their “Make America Great Again” attire…:
Cut 25 (07) “supporting America”
Similar rallies have taken place throughout the week, leading up to this event.

More low income parents who have students attending failing schools are using another option other than taxpayer funded vouchers to send their child to a private school..:
CUT (30) “I’m Halen Doughty”

Over one thousand archers from 45 Louisiana schools will compete in the 2017 Archery in Louisiana Schools State Tournament tomorrow in Shreveport. The students will be competing for a 20-thousand dollar scholarship and the chance to go on to the national tournament. Jan McGovern is with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries:
Cut 6 (08) “as needed”