11:30 Newscast, March 1st, 2017

There’s been another call for State Police Superintendent Col. Mike Edmonson to resign. Halen Doughty has more…:
Cut 2 (30) “I’m Halen Doughty”

The man accused of driving drunk when he plowed through a crowd of parade goers during Endymion in New Orleans has had his bail quadrupled. 25-year-old Neilson Rizzuto had 22 additional counts stacked onto his booking including 10 new aggravated charges based on how severe the victims’ injuries were. Total bail went from $125,000 to $545,000.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating the case of a man who died in a house fire in St. Mary Parish on Mardi Gras Day. They say initial indications are that the deadly blaze was caused by an electrical wall outlet in the wood-framed home, and claimed the life of 79-year-old Lionel Bonin Jr. The victim’s wife told investigators that her husband saved her first, then ran back into the residence.

The Texas agriculture commissioner has approved a poison that farmers and ranchers can use to kill destructive feral hogs, so when will Louisiana get on board? Ag Commissioner Mike Strain says Kaput Feral Hog Lure could become available here in a month or two, but it will only be sold to those individuals who receive proper training…:
Cut 14 (09) “this product”
It’s estimated there are 500-thousand feral hogs in Louisiana and they are known for destroying fields and pastures.