Lloyd Graft, who recently resigned from the State Police Commission, is calling for Colonel Mike Edmonson’s resignation. In a letter to the governor, Grafton says the commander of State Police has no credibility when it comes to the truth and lavish spending. He says the recent travel scandal involving four troopers is proof…
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Edmonson says they will get to the bottom of what happened.
Bankrate-dot-com ranks Louisiana as the fourth worst state for first-time home buyers. Analyst Claes Bell says Lousiaina’s high unemployment rate is a factor…
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Bell says first-time home buyers may have a better chance at getting a loan through a local lender, instead of a national bank.
It’s Ash Wednesday, first day of Lent. Many Catholics will stay away from meat today and every Friday through Easter. Chairman of the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board Chalin DeLaune says the supply of Louisiana oysters and crawfish is excellent…
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Texas has approved a poison to kill destructive feral hogs, so when will Louisiana get on board? Ag Commissioner Mike Strain says Kaput Feral Hog Lure could become available here in a month or two, but it will only be sold to those individuals who receive proper training.
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