08:30 Newscast, February 27th, 2017

Should State Police Col Mike Edmonson lose his job over the side trip four troopers are accused of taking on the taxpayers dime while on business? US Senator John Kennedy thinks so…:
Cut 16 (10) “not right”
But Edmonson says Kennedy doesn’t have all the facts and the LSP investigation and the Governor’s investigation into the incident need to play out…:
Cut 15 (05) “change those”

Some might say winter decided to skip over Louisiana this year and it turns out this February might be the warmest on record here. State Climatologist Barry Keim says although Louisiana has seen a few cold fronts the last few weeks…:
Cut 9 (06) “February”
He says February’s average temperature is around 61 so far, and the record in 1932 is 61.2 degrees.

The 25-year-old man who crashed into a crowed of people watching the Endymion Parade in New Orleans Saturday night was at least three times the legal limit, according to authorities. They say Neilson Rizzuto is charged with first-degree negligent vehicular injuring, hit-and-run driving causing serious injury and reckless operation of a vehicle. Police said Sunday that 28 people were hurt in the accident that sent 21 people to the hospital.

3rd Congressional US Representative Clay Higgins has been appointed to a task force to stop terrorists from entering the country. Halen Doughty has more..:
Cut 2 (27) “I’m Halen Doughty”