09:30 Newscast, February 23rd, 2017

After 10 days of what became some heated debates, the special session ended with lawmakers agreeing to use $99 million from the rainy day fund to address a $304 million midyear deficit. Governor John Bel Edwards says he’s skeptical about $12 million dollars lawmakers say is being saved in attrition for funded vacancies…:
CUT 15 (07) “are not there”
The Department of Health takes the biggest cut at $36 million.

Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne is unveiling the governor’s budget proposal for the fiscal year that begins July 1st. It includes keeping TOPS funded at the current level which is about 41% — not fully funded. There would be no funding for state employee merit raises. The plan is also more than $29 billion dollars, a growth of $1.4 billion because of federal funds. Many of this years budget cuts will remain next year.

Now that the special session is over, attention turns to the fiscal session that begins in April. The Louisiana Budget Project has released its tax reform blueprint. Senior Policy Analyst Nick Albares says they’re calling for a reduction in the state sales tax from 5-percent to 4-percent and a broadening of the sales tax base..:
Cut 8 (11) “neighboring states”
Albares says they also want to double the earned income tax credit.

The big Mardi Gras weekend is almost upon us and the LSU Vet school wants pet owners to take certain precautions with their furry friends. Dr. Nancy Welborn says it’s not a good idea to take your pet to a parade, but if it happens to be pet friendly…:
CUT 6 (08) “the area”
She says not to feed dogs and cats king cakes and be mindful of beads that may be left in their reach.