08:30 Newscast, February 2nd, 2017

On the first day lawmakers could file bills for the upcoming legislative session, Covington Representative Paul Hollis produced a measure that would take away penalties under the Affordable Care Act. He says you shouldn’t put a mandate on people to buy a product…:
Cut 8 (11) “one of them”
Hollis expects a great deal of support from the legislature when they convene in April.

Louisiana receives a top rating for its highway safety laws by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. President Jackie Gillan says even though the state received a green rating, that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done…:
Cut 5 (07) “age 8”
She says Louisiana has 9 out of 15 recommended traffic safety laws.

Head Coach Ed Orgeron’s first recruiting class at LSU is ranked in the top 10. Jeff Palermo has thoughts from Coach “O”…:
Cut 3 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

A former Caddo Parish School Board employee has been arrested after police say he misappropriated at least $260-thousand in public funds. Cindy Chadwick with the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office says 32-year-old Brandon Lewis bought car parts using the School Board’s account..:
CUT 11 (06) “as well”
Lewis is charged with unauthorized use of an access card, felony theft, and forgery.