We’ve heard republican lawmakers say they oppose using money from the rainy day fund to offset the state’s 304-million dollar budget deficit. There’s also at least one democratic senator who supports that too. Greg Tarver of Shreveport believes revenues will increase soon, because the state’s economy is showing signs of improving as a result of rising oil prices…
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A special session will begin February 13th to address the budget deficit.
Entergy Louisiana broke ground today on a new power station that the company says will save customers one-point-three-billion dollars for the next 30 years, because it will be able to produce electricity more efficiently. Spokesperson Michael Burns says the power plant will also produce jobs…
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Burns says they expect the plant to begin running in 2019.
Case data has been released on the number of human trafficking reports received in Louisiana in 2016 and it shows a significant increase. Michelle Southern Reports…
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A 63-year-old Gailliano man is facing seven counts of attempted murder after deputies say he fired a 22 caliber rifle into a bedroom of a home. The LaFourche Parish Sheriff’s office says there were five children inside that bedroom. No one was injured and Francis Lee was taken into custody outside of the home, after he allegedly threatened to kill everyone inside, as result of a dispute.