Case data has recently been released on the number of human trafficking reports received in Louisiana in 2016 and it shows a significant increase. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, 104 cases of human trafficking were called in last year, compared to 75 in 2015. State Police Col Mike Edmonson credits a strong awareness campaign…:
cut 12 (09) “listen to us”
The Polaris data indicates that more victims than ever are reaching out for help.
Several Republicans in the state legislature oppose using money from the Rainy Day Fund to solve a 304 million dollar budget deficit, but there is at least one Democrat who also doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Shreveport Senator Greg Tarver made the comments to News Radio 7-10 KEEL
Cut 9 (06) “that money”
A special session will likely begin on February 13th to address the budget shortfall.
Despite media reports to the contrary, several polls indicate that many people support President Donald Trump’s controversial travel man to some Middle Eastern countries. A survey by Rasmussen finds 57-percent of people polled support the ban but LSU Political Communications Chair Martin Johnson says that data was from landlines only…:
CUT 4 (08) “you have”
Johnson believes a lot of the outcry comes from how quickly the ban was issued bringing a lot of confusion.
Governor John Bel Edwards is on hand today as Entergy breaks ground on the massive new plant in St. Charles Parish. The construction project will require some 700 workers, and the plant will have 27 permanent workers once operational in mid-2019, Entergy said.