Louisiana ranks third for police officers killed in line of duty in 2016. That’s according to President of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Craig Floyd. He blames a growing disrespect for the rule of law for the increase in officer deaths. He says police are visible, vulnerable symbols of law and authority.
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Floyd says too often, the service and sacrifice of police officers is taken for granted.
District 8 ADA Tony Clayton believes the sad case about a mother dumping her baby in a trash can at a New Roads Walmart exposes a problem with Louisiana law. He says Louisiana should factor in the mental state of the defendant.
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34-year-old Kyandrea Thomas is charged with attempted second degree murder.
An infant was killed and another injured in a drunk driving accident in Alexandria. Police say two other children were also injured in the two vehicle crash. 25-year-old Keaton Spurlin was reportedly driving while impaired when he crashed into the back of 44-year-old Thaddyeus Dixon’s vehicle. Spurlin is charged with a DWI, negiligent injury, and careless operation, and police say more charges are pending.
In the wake of Debbie Reynolds death just one day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher, passed away, doctors say you really can die from a broken heart. Michelle Southern has more…
Cut 2 (26) “I’m Michelle Southern”