08:30 Newscast, December 8th, 2016

Canadian air is moving towards Louisiana and bringing winter weather with it. Jeff Palermo reports…:
Cut 2 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

So bundle up as you head out to your holiday office parties, and experts are advising you to also keep a few things in mind when letting your hair down with the boss. Tulane business professor Dr. Mark Rosa…:
CUT 9 (08) “in moderation”
He also says you should always consider an office holiday party mandatory.

A report from American Builders and Contractors ranks Louisiana as the best business climate for construction. Vice President of Governmental Affairs with ABC of Louisiana, John Walters, says the report shows you can have a very good career in the construction industry and there’s a demand for those workers…:
Cut 5 (11) “in Louisiana”
He credits good legislation in the state that benefits the construction industry.

There’s a lot of hype surrounding President-elect Donald Trump’s visit to Baton Rouge tomorrow to rally for US Senate candidate John Kennedy. But the state treasurer’s opponent, Democrat Foster Campbell, is requesting equal coverage of his candidacy the day before Saturday’s election. Campbell is holding a press availability in the morning at 9am, ahead of Mr. Trump’s appearance at the Baton Rouge Airport which is slated for noon.

Gas prices are on the rise once again. The current statewide average for a gallon of regular according to AAA is $2.04, more than 6 cents higher than a week ago.