The White House has asked Congress to approve Governor John Bel Edwards request for billions of dollars in federal disaster assistance. Emelie Gunn has more…
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Baton Rouge has settled a class action lawsuit with Alton Sterling protesters, who claimed police used excessive force and violated their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and assembly. 92 plaintiffs were in the suit and they’ll get 230-dollars each.
AAA projects nearly 49 million Americans will travel during this holiday weekend, a nearly 2% increase over last year. Spokesman Don Redman says they haven’t seen numbers this good since Thanksgiving 2007…:
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He says driving remains the most popular mode of travel with more than 89% of Thanksgiving travelers getting behind the wheel.
The U-S Department of Agriculture is recommending that you should not wash your raw turkey. Louisiana Ag Commissioner Mike Strain explains why…
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Strain says cooking turkey to the proper temperature, which is 165-degrees in three locations, kills any bacteria that’s present, so washing is not needed.