10:30 Newscast November 22,2016

Community activists and law enforcement are anxiously awaiting the results of the Department of Justice’s investigation into the police shooting of Alton Sterling. Don Molino has more…
CUT 1 (29) “I’m Don Molino”

Louisiana State Police Troopers at Troop F in Monroe have been gifted new ceramic plated vests. Bunzy and Lynn Bryant donated 90 vests that can stop the rounds of rifles like AR-15s and AK-47s. The SWAT team already has similar vests but now everyone in the squad will get one.

The names of a few Louisiana Republican politicians have been tossed around as possibly working in President-elect Donald Trump’s administration. Jeremy Alford of LaPolitics.com says Trump’s campaign team in Louisiana is putting names together and sending them to the transition team.
Cut 10 (10) “treasury position”

Alford says Congressman Charles Boustany’s name has been mentioned to be chief U.S. trade negotiator.

The Beauregard Parish Gothic Jail in DeRidder is now open for tours according to Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser. The first floor of the building is the jailer’s quarters and the second is the jail cells. Nungesser says about 15 years ago, someone had the foresight to save all the furniture from the then-decrepit building.
Cut 14 (08) “years ago”

Two men who were found guilty of murdering a taxi driver in the 1920s were hanged to death in the stairwell, earning the Gothic jail nationwide notoriety.