08:30 LRN Newscast November 21st

It’s been a year since Governor John Bel Edwards was elected into office. Emelie Gunn has more…
voicer 3 (27) “…I’m Emelie Gunn”

Governor Edwards has invited Baton Rouge community leaders and law enforcement officials to the Capitol for a meeting this morning to discuss the pending Department of Justice announcement regarding their investigation into the Alton Sterling shooting. Sterling was fatally shot in July after a confrontation with two white police officers and we’ve been waiting to hear if the officers will be charged.

A poll on the third district Congressional race by the Trafalgar Group finds Republican Clay Higgins leading fellow GOP candidate Scott Angelle 49-to-42-percent. Higgins has never held political office before and he’s getting his support from those who voted for Donald Trump….
cut 9 (08) “…Trump effect”
The runoff election is December 10th.

The Louisiana Farm Bureau finds the cost of a Thanksgiving meal in the Bayou State will be below the national average this year, thanks to the hard work of farmers. Chair of the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee, Denise Canatella, says they found that families can still affordably provide a bountiful meal on Thanksgiving….
cut 11 (10) “…in Louisiana”
The average price for a Thanksgiving dinner in Louisiana is $49.79.