12:30 Newscast, October 4th, 2016

Charles Boustany has filed a lawsuit against author Ethan Brown and the publisher of a book claims the congressman had relationships with prostitutes in Jefferson Davis Parish. Loyola Law Professor Dane Ciolino says Boustany will have to prove Brown wrote these allegations with actual malice…:
cut 14 (11) “or defamation”
The book, “Murder in the Bayou” claims Boustany frequented a Jennings motel, the Boudreaux Inn, looking for prostitutes.

District Attorney Jerry Jones is retiring after 26 years as DA of the Fourth Judicial District. He cites health reasons and says he hopes to remain practicing some type of law with his son…:
CUT 11 (12) “lot of em”
Jones is considered one of north Louisiana’s strongest advocates for women and young people.

A 14-year-old girl in Bossier Parish has been arrested on charges of terrorizing for allegedly setting up a fake Instagram account and making the infamous clown threat. Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Bill Davis reminds the public that clown threats are no laughing matter…:
CUT 4 (10) “a threat”
Davis says today they are speaking to students at all of the high schools in Bossier Parish about this serious incident.

Former longtime Alexandria Mayor Ned Randolph died Tuesday at the age of 74. Randolph served 5 terms as mayor from 1986-2006 and in recent years had be battling Alzheimer’s disease. He was 74. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.