08:30 Newscast, July 26th, 2016

The nationwide average for a gallon of gas is at a 12 year low, according to AAA….:
Cut 2 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

Education news in Louisiana got another boost as officials say more students than ever are getting ACT scores that allow them to go to college. DOE Superintendent John White says since 2012, over 4,000 more students have qualified for TOPS as a result…:
CUT 9 (07) “our state”

There’s good news for disabled veterans. Congressman Ralph Abraham says his bill to increase their compensation beginning next year has been signed into law. He says the increase is tied to the social security increase, so we won’t know how much more money these disabled vets will get until the end of November…:
Cut 5 (09) “adjustments”
He says the bill will adjust the amount of compensation veterans receive for things like disability and dependents.

During a special hours long meeting Monday, the LHSAA talked about the controversial statement Executive Director Eddie Bonine made at a national convention, but he is not ousted from his post. Bonine says after the “airing it out” session, he believes the board is fully behind him..:
Cut 15 (09) “at hand”
Bonine referred to high school athletics in the state as a proverbial dumpster fire, but has since apologized.