07:30 Newscast, June 22nd, 2016

The industrial tax exemption program that benefits large manufacturers is costing local governments 1.6 billion dollars a year, according to Together Louisiana. Jeff Palermo reports…:
Cut 3 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

Senate leaders say they are going try again to make moves that would help fill the state’s budget deficit for next fiscal year. The session must end tomorrow night. Senate President John Alario told reporters he hopes to revive an individual income tax measure which was struck down by the House, but lawmakers in the lower chamber say they don’t see votes changing.

Former state senator Elbert Guillory is in the race for the 4th Congressional District seat, and he’s running a very unique YouTube ad to gain voters’ support, by using coconuts as a metaphor. He can be seen in the ad standing behind a podium, holding a mesh bag with two coconuts…:
CUT 7 (12) “has coconuts”
Political analyst Pearson Cross thinks this is a “Donald Trump” move by Guillory…:
CUT 10 (09) “the person”
Cross is becoming less politically correct is an emerging trend among candidates.

An unidentified deputy in West Baton Rouge Parish has been suspended without pay for failing to perform a proper inmate headcount, after failing to notice one of the prisoners put a dummy in his bed to trick the officer into thinking he was sleeping. The inmate ended up coming back to the prison with 2 bags of pot according to authorities.