You couldn’t fire someone based on their sexual orientation under a bill set to be heard in the House Civil Law Committee today. But Dawn Starns with the National Federation of Independent Business says a law like this would hurt employers and lead to a litany of litigation…:
CUT 8 (10) “like that”
Matthew Patterson with Equality Louisiana says Shreveport and New Orleans already have ordinances that protect the LGBT community and they’ve not lead to lawsuits…:
CUT 9 (05) “have locally”
A 22 year old man from Natchitoches is under arrest in connection with the shooting death of a three year old child, and cops are still searching for the gun. They believe the toddler found the weapon and accidentally shot himself in the head. Alverious Demars of Natchitoches is charged with negligent homicide and obstruction of justice since the gun has not been recovered, police say.
Educational TV shows in French for kids are now airing on Louisiana Public Broadcasting. Jeff Palermo has more….:
Cut 2 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”
A bill that would force the LHSAA to end its public-private school playoff split will be heard on the House floor today. River Ridge Representative Kirk Talbot says, under his bill, schools wouldn’t get public funds if they belong to an athletic organization with split playoffs. He says the LHSAA’s current playoff split is discriminatory…:
cut 4 (05) “somebody else”
But opponents don’t think the legislature should be involved in this controversy.