17:30 LRN Newscast April 14, 2016

A bill to prevent the removal of confederate monuments without a waiver from a statewide board did not get out of a House committee today. Shreveport Representative Thomas Carmody says Carmody says although Louisiana has a dark history, you cannot change what has already happened. He says the only way to have a brighter future is to learn from past mistakes.

cut 10 (07)  “the truth”

New Orleans Representative Joseph Bouie says it is currently left up to local municipalities to decide what they want to display, or not display, in their city. He says each city should be able to decide what kind of monuments they want to have.

cut 12 (08) “monuments”

A measure to increase the fine for not wearing a seatbelt from $25 to $50 was approved by the House, and now heads to the senate.

Governor John Bel Edwards proposed 183 million dollars’ worth of cuts to the TOPS scholarship program. Emelie Gunn has more on what this means…

CUT 23 (31) “I’m Emelie Gunn”

Governor John Bel Edwards will launch a monthly call-in radio show to air on the Louisiana Radio Network. The show will be broadcast statewide, and listeners will have the opportunity to call in and talk one on one with the governor. The show will air the third week of each month.