07:30 Newscast, April 14th, 2016

The lawyer for the man accused of murdering former New Orleans Saints player Will Smith, following an apparent car accident, says he’s got proof his client, Cardell Hayes, was acting in self defense in the incident. Attorney John Fuller:
CUT 30 (15) “not guilty”
The family attorney for the victim says Smith was shot 8 times in the back.

Another bill aimed to prevent of removal of confederate monuments is set to be heard today at the state capitol. A Senate committee already rejected a bill with similar overtones. Former state senator Elbert Guillory, who is an African American, has been a vocal supporter of efforts to keep Confederate monuments standing…:
cut 4 (06) “foolish”
The measure is scheduled for debate today in the House Municipal Affairs committee.

Governor Edwards proposed 183 million dollars worth of cuts to the TOPS scholarship program. Emelie Gunn has more on what this means…:
CUT 1 (31) “I’m Emelie Gunn”

Four of the ten hospitals for the poor and uninsured in Louisiana are at risk of closing because of critical cuts to the state Department of Health and Hospitals. DHH Secretary Rebekah Gee says her department took over half of the 750-million dollars in budget cuts, which means some people may lose access to healthcare…:
cut 11 (09) “in access”