16:30 Newscast April 13,2016

The family attorney for former Saints player Will Smith, who was shot and killed says the shooting was intentional and Smith’s wife Racquel was shot twice. Peter Thomson says he wants to clear up lies being spread by the defense lawyer of Cardell Hayes. Thomson says Hayes claims that there was a hit and run Magazine Street are false.
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Thomson says the Hummer later violently rammed the back of Smith’s car, and that’s when the altercation started.

Governor Edwards has signed an executive order to ban discrimination against those in the LGBT community who work for the state or receive state benefits. Matthew Patterson with Equality Louisiana says this is a historic day for Louisiana.
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Patterson says this new order also includes gender-identity.


A Senate committee has approvoved a measure to allow the sale of raw milk. Halen Doughty has more…
CUT 1 (29) “I’m Halen Doughty”

The Senate approves a bill to up the fine for using social media or texting for while driving from $175 to $500 for the first offense. The fine goes up to 1,000 dollars for any following offenses. Author of the legislation Baton Rouge Senator Yvonne Colomb says there isn’t a fine for voice texting. West Monroe Senator Mike Walsworth added an amendment to increase the penalties for minors by suspending their drivers license.