07:30 Newscast, April 7th, 2016

A recent study looked at the economic impact of medical marijuana and what kind of market it would create in Louisiana. Emelie Gunn has more…:
Cut 3 (31) “I’m Emelie Gunn”

The full House approved two pro-life bills Wednesday. One would increase the wait time for reflection between pre-abortion counseling and the procedure from 24 to 72 hours. The other measure would require that abortion providers be board certified. The bills now move to the Senate.

There is a heated debate brewing on the LSU campus over whether drinking by students tailgating on gamedays should be more closely monitored. University leaders are considering several regulations that are designed to crack down on binge and underage drinking. LSU’s Dean of Students Maria (Ma-dee-ah) Fuentes-Martin says students are hurting themselves by having too much…:
Cut 10 (10) “our practices”
She says proposed rules would prohibit items like couches, punch bowls, and kegs from student association tailgates, and hiring a third party to serve alcohol.

Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser wants Hollywood South to share some of their profits in order to keep the film tax exemptions in place. He hopes to build such a partnership with movie producers who come to Louisiana…:
cut 4 (10) “a partnership”