Legislation aimed at preventing the removal of Confederate monuments failed to get out of a senate committee. Franklinton Senator Beth Mizell is the author of the bill…
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The measure failed to advance out of committee on a five to four vote. Democrats opposed the measure while Republicans voted yes.
On the House side, there were three bills that would have put limitations on the TOPS scholarship, but none of them passed out of the Education Committee. Hammond Representative Chris Broadwater had one fo the proposals. He says the program has to be altered because of the state’s budget problems…
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The Senate education committee is expected to debate its own set of bills to change TOPS tomorrow.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries says one of the two 19-year-old boaters that was rescued off the coast of Cameron Parish this morning has died. LDWF spokesperson Adam Einck says two young men launched an aluminum boat from Joseph’s Harbor yesterday and were found this morning clinging to their sunken boat…
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The deceased boater has been identified as 19-year-old Derek Romero of Iberia Parish. The other 19-year-old rescued is expected to survive.
Two new Zika cases have been confirmed in Louisiana, bringing the total number to four – but DHH says they are all okay. Medical Director for the Louisiana Center for Community Preparedness, Dr. Frank Welch says this Zika confirmation is really a few weeks late, because the tests had to be sent to the Center for Disease Control for confirmation….
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Welch says the two individuals who tested positive for the Zika Virus recently traveled to the Caribbean and South America.