17:30 LRN Newscast ###Legislative Report###

The governor’s top budget advisor told the House Appropriations Committee despite the additional one-point-two billion dollars in taxes raised, some government agencies are looking at a 30-percent cut in state funding. Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne says painful cuts will need to occur for the fiscal year that starts July 1st…
cut 13 (07) “…throughout the state”
Dardenne says more details will be released later this week.

A senate commitee began an extensive review today of the various tax exemptions, rebates and refunds Louisiana gives to individuals and businesses. Chairman JP Morrell of New Orleans…
cut 30 (09) “…of it”
Louisiana has over 400 different tax breaks, costing the state over 8-billion dollars in revenue.

Louisiana voters are split over whether or not elected officials should compromise, according to a new LSU survey. Doctor Michael Henderson, director of the LSU Public Policy Research Lab, says 55-percent of Democrats would like their representatives to compromise, while 52% of Republicans want their elected officials to stand their ground. Henderson says this does not bode well for getting things done in the legislature.
CUT 27 (09) “have become”
Henderson says with a Democratic governor and a Republican legislature, it’s likely state politicians will have a hard time coming to agreements. He says we’re starting to see Washington-style politics here in Louisiana.
Cut 8 (10) “by the wayside “