The House has voted 76 to 27 in support to raise Louisiana’s sales tax by a penny. This is a huge victory for Governor John Bel Edwards as part of his plan to balance the state’s budget. The legislation is now on its way to the Senate and is expected to create more than 210 million dollars for this fiscal year.
A new report says Louisiana felons face more job restrictions that in any other state. Michelle Southern has the story…
CUT 2 (31) “I’m Michelle Southern”
Lafayette Congressman Charles Boustany’s PROTECT Act to help the Louisiana seafood industry has been signed by President Barack Obama. Boustany says this legislation can keep illegal crawfish and seafood products produced outside the United States from ever leaving their country of origin.
cut 10 (10) “agencies”
A new study from Triple A finds Eighty-seven percent of drivers engaged in at least one risky behavior while driving in the past month. Spokesperson Don Redman says 42% or drivers admit to texting and 70% admit to being on the phone. Redman says driving when you’re sleepy is also unsafe for drivers.
CUT 4 (07) “some rest”
He says in the US about 30 to 40 thousand people die each year in car crashes.