A three judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rules that Louisiana can enforce a state law that requires doctors preforming abortions must have admitting privileges at hospitals within 30 miles. Benjamin Clapper with Louisiana Right to Life says it’s just common sense that abortion doctors should have admitting privileges…:
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The law states that if any abortions are performed by doctors who do not have the required privileges, they will be fined $4000.
We’re still waiting on some more action at the Capitol where lawmakers are taking up tax issues today. House Appropriations approved a bill Wednesday that would cut state funding by $117 million dollars in the current fiscal year, including $44 million for public schools. Today they adopted an amendment saying the $44 million now must be absorbed by the Department of Education.
Lafayette Congressman Charles Boustany’s PROTECT Act to help the Louisiana seafood industry has been signed by President Barack Obama. Boustany says this legislation will give domestic seafood a fair shot at competing against foreign imports who up until now have been able to undercut our producers using illegal practices…:
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He says if other countries want to sell seafood in the United States, they need to play by our rules.
The wide receiver from Southern University who suffered a major spinal injury during a game against Georgia last year, Devon Gales, has left the hospital in Atlanta will be returning home soon. During a news conference at the University of Georgia’s athletic complex today, an announcement was made about an initiative to raise funds to build a new house for the Gales family in Baton Rouge to accommodate his needs.