15:30 Newscast February 11,2016

State Health Officials are investigating two possible Zika cases in Louisiana. Dr. Frank Welch, with the Louisiana Office of Public Health, says officials discovered these cases after the patients complained to their doctors about feeling sick after visiting the Caribbean. Welch says right now, Louisiana residents shouldn’t be worried about getting the Zika Virus, because local transmission is very unlikely at this time….

CUT 4 (08)  “right now”

Louisiana is in some serious financial trouble right now, but analysts say we aren’t the first or last state to see issues like this. Political pollster Ron Faucheux says many states have improved their fiscal situation since the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009. Faucheux says, unlike Louisiana, other states struggle when gas prices are high…:

CUT 7 (11) “after the hurricane”

Edwards will speak to the public tonight in a special televised address at 6:30.


Researchers in Louisiana played a role in detecting gravitational waves, which Albert Einstein predicted would happen as part of his general theory of relativity. LSU astronomy professor, Gabriela Gonzalez, says their Livingston Parish observatory observed the ripples in the fabric of spacetime on September 14th. She says a discovery like this can help scientists learn more about how the universe works…

Cut 11 (10) “listening to the universe”

State Police is partnering with Blue Cross for the safe disposal of prescription medication in central and northwest Louisiana. Trooper Michael Reichardt says in the front of the Troop F station in Monroe they’ve set out a box that looks like to a mail box for people to safely get rid of old or unwanted medication. But He says they won’t take any needles or intravenous drugs..

cut 14 (08)  “a doctor”